Sunday, 8 May 2022
For WHAT do you PRAISE your children ?
Tuesday, 3 May 2022
How often do you PRAISE your children?
Parenting is the most toughest job in the world. How much ever we be careful, we tend to go wrong somewhere or the other. Mild mistakes are ok, but extreme level of parenting will leave a huge dent in the lives of your children. May be you are not doing it out of intention, it may be due to your own parenting , or due to societal pressures or due to fears from what you've personally encountered in life or even due to your unfulfilled desires. Whatever may be the reason, its important for you to unlearn or resolve certain extreme behaviours of yours in order to be a good parent. No one is perfect, but try to be conscious and observe any extreme patterns in your parenting behaviour.
On that elaborative intro for my today's topic, let's address ONE common issue of parenting that may help to nuture our kids in a better way EMOTIONALLY AND MENTALLY. We all love receiving compliments, so do our kids. It's important for us , as parents to frequently PRAISE our children. I agree, we do constantly applaude to our little growing infant and toddler. But then slowly the number of praises tends to reduce , with more of commends and teachings taking over. I understand we gotta teach our little prince or princesses what to do and what not to do, but lets add alot of EMPATHY, CHEERFULNESS, loads of APPLAUDES, bundles of PRAISES all along while we tend to bring them up into responsible citizens.
Just imagine how happy you feel when someone PRAISES you. As adults if we feel so overjoyed with compliments from people we dont even know properly , imagine the amount of happiness and joy our kids will have everytime you PRAISE them. Just imagine the amount of CONFIDENCE they'll grow up with when they are assured that their PARENTS are always happy for them. Just imagine how EXCITED will they be to try out new things and show them to you everytime. Kids world is really small in the beginning , before they grow up and enter into the vast world. and in thier small world PARENTS are the KING & QUEEN and the rest are jus OBSERVERS. So, they tend to LEARN, SEEK, ASK, QUESTION, RECEIVE, GAIN, LOSE, BE HAPPY, BE SAD, FEEL JOYFUL, STAY CLAM, FEEL ANXIOUS, FEEL INSECURE, STAY CONFIDENT , SUFFER WITH LOW SELF-ESTEEM, all because of PARENTS or the ENVIRONMENT in which they GROW UP. Few kids may be smart enough to overcome any situations tactfully and convert them into a fuel for their growth. But a majority of CHILDREN are just living with such feelings all through their life and passing on such emotions into their RELATIONSHIPS, and onto their KIDS.
Wednesday, 27 April 2022
How well are you teaching LOVE & ROMANCE to your kids ??
The title seems weird ? If it does, then it's an important topic to be discussed..
Have you ever thought of it? We teach children everything, starting from how to eat , walk, poop, sleep, talk, play, study, manners, habits and many more things in life..But, have you taught them how to LOVE and the importance of ROMANCE in life? You might be saying that they just learn by themselves or they might learn about love , from the way we parents LOVE them. You may also be saying that they learn LOVE, from the love they receive from grandparents , relatives, siblings and teachers. I agree, they learn various kinds of LOVE in various ways throughout their life.
What we are talking about here is the LOVE between COUPLES, the ROMANCE between PARENTS, the intimate relationship between MARRIED COUPLES, the lovable and respectable LOVE between elderly couples. The thing here is, we are all taught only how to LOVE our children, how to RESPECT our ELDERS, how to mingle with RELATIVES, how to live and ADJUST in a totally different family, comprising our self-respect at times, how to SACRIFICE our dreams and desires and dedicate our life to someone or the other, how to EARN money, how to SERVE for family, how to constantly COMPARE yourself to others, how to NEVER be satisfied with what you have and so on..
Thus we all are GREAT PARENTS , but WORST PARTNERS !! Might sound RUDE , but its a FACT !!
You might be wondering, that, how do you teach LOVE & ROMANCE to your children? Have we ever thought of it, in the first place. Just because we never focused on the importance of these two FEELINGS in our life we are clueless on how to teach our kids about them right ?
And the more pathetic thing here is, as we PARENTS never teach KIDS about LOVE, they are learning about LOVE & ROMANCE from other sources around them. Like in movies, serials, novels, series, dramas and so on,, as once they hit puberty and the hormonal rush starts in, they start having these feelings of LOVE & ROMANCE and really need to understand what it is through examples around them.
As we PARENTS , are always worried about WORK or TAKING CARE of our CHILDREN , and watching movies in between, they take us a examples and think thats how they too have to LIVE , when they grow big..
Why not we TEACH our kids what is LOVE & ROMANCE exactly? We may not have been taught by our PARENTS, and thats why our RELATIONSHIPS are so messed up and many are struggling to find LOVE and ROMANCE within MARRIAGE too and unable to find them over a period of time, which is leading to INFEDILITY among couples which slowly is leading to DIVORCE !! Is this what we want to showcase to our CHILDREN ? No, right .. So lets teach them better lovable lessons ..
It's simple,. As a couple, LOVE each other like you used to before kids, keep the ROMANCE alive as your relationship grows, show RESPECT towards each other, FALL for each other again and again, DATE each other often, exchange GIFTS, CARE about each other, WORRY about each other , MISS each other when one is away, let away the EGO and bring in the LOVE, PAMPER each other, HOLD HANDS in PUBLIC, HUG each other daily (in front of kids , its not an offense man, they watch all non-sense on screen) , KISS each other, FORGIVE each other, PRAISE each other and create your own FAMILY TRADITION OF LOVE AND ROMANCE :-)
Friday, 22 April 2022
We often live the life of our parents or for our children . We even live the life of our grandparents , our relatives, our teachers ,our friends and so on..
On a larger aspect , we live the life of our society , of our culture, of the belief systems of a community and according to the latest trends.
On a micro aspect we live the life of our admirers, we live the life of celebrities, we live the life of our leaders, we live the life of our apartment group rules, and we tend to live the life of the infinite groups we are a part of..
On a deeper aspect we are wired to appear for the exam called "A SUCCESSFUL AND A HAPPY LIFE " which was printed ages ago and being taught to us since childhood. The results of the exams vary, depending on how well you've followed when you were a child and how soon you've implemented practicing all that is in the LIFE BOOK since ADULTHOOD.
And you know what, the examiners or the judges of the exam are the same who have followed and written the same exam , irrespective of how well they have performed in their LIFE EXAM, they start ANALYSING AND JUDGING your RESULTS of SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS. How pathetic is that ....
What is SUCCESS?? what is Happiness ??
Is it xeroxing your PARENTS desires ?
Is it scanning your TEACHERS lessons?
Is it repeating your learnt lessons to your CHILDREN ?
Is it raising the flag of your SURNAME high in the sky?
Is it satisfying your RELATIVES constantly ?
Is it living perfectly according to the SOCIETAL norms?
Is it following our CULTURE (good or bad) blindly ?
Is it going with HERD in our community ?
Is it staying upto date with the latest TRENDS ?
Is it imitating the people we constantly ADMIRE?
Is it trying out the lifestyle of our CELEBRITIES ?
Is it replicating our LEADERS ?
Is it following the rules of the infinite WATSAPP groups?
If you observe all the above questions clearly , YOU are missing there..What is your desire? What are your lessons? what did you learn from your children? Are you, YOU , without your surname ?? How often are you doing things that satisfy YOU solely? Is the so called SOCIETY perfect , to question your perfectionism? How does culture contribute to your success and happiness, unless you work hard your whole life ? What if the herd you are following is not HAPPY & SUCCESSFUL ? What is YOUR trend ?
Do the people you admire and imitate , even know you or even helped you to reach your success or happiness ? What is the lifestyle YOU adopt ? Are YOU a leader yourself ? What are YOUR rules?
Following and learning and adapting and growing , using the above support systems may be necessary for sure, for being a part of the society we live in, but DON'T let them bombard you or cover you, or over lap you or drown you or suppress you or hurt you or humiliate you or bully you or disempower you or pull down your confidence and grab your IDENTITY and mask your ORIGINALITY ..
Remember all those rules and lessons were set by ONE THOUGHTFUL person at one point of time and others started following them blindly. Why not YOU be that ONE person and create a NEW SET of RULES & LESSONS atleast for yourself, if not for the SOCIETY ..Create your own definition of SUCCESS & HAPPINESS , as there is no specific definition of both .. For someone success is a loving relationship , for someone success is happiness , for a child success is getting that toy, for someone happiness is success, for someone service is happiness, for someone ruling is success and the list goes on..
So, BREATHE and choose and live life according to your OWN TERMS..
Tuesday, 12 April 2022
It is OK , ALL IS WELL :-)
We Humans are highly INTELLECTUAL beings, and are always stressful or worried or anxious or just overthinking of something or the other. Though it is very crucial for our well-being to always think about our FUTURE, it is also IMPORTANT, to know that, IT'S OK to think of NOTHING, every now and then.
Here is a check list of things in life, which we either keep complaining or boasting about. The success recipe of anything in LIFE, be it FOOD or RELATIONSHIPS or MONEY or CAREER is being BALANCED and experiencing all the flavours and all the aspects of life throughout the JOURNEY of LIFE.
It's OK to commit MISTAKES.
It's OK to have FUN.
It's Ok to CRY.
It's OK to be HAPPY.
It's OK to be SAD.
It's OK to LOVE.
It's OK to BREAK UP.
It's OK to MARRY.
It's OK to stay SINGLE.
It's Ok to have KIDS.
It's OK to NOT have KIDS.
It's OK to COOK.
It's OK to be an EXTROVERT.
It's OK to be an INTROVERT.
It's OK to be GOOD at STUDIES.
It's OK to be BAD at STUDIES.
It's OK to be HEALTHY.
It's OK to be SICK.
It's OK to be RICH.
It's OK to be POOR.
It's OK to be a FAILURE.
It's OK to be a CELEBRITY.
It's OK to be a COMMON MAN.
The thing which is NOT OK, is, Don’t BEAT yourself up nor don’t be ARROGANT as, NOTHING is permanent. At the end of the DAY, all it matters is, whether you are JOYFUL, KIND, TRUTHFUL, EMPATHETIC AND GRATEFUL to everything and everyone in YOUR LIFE.
Sunday, 3 April 2022
How often do YOU, PARENT YOURSELF ??
We Humans are constantly evolving, and we need constant motivation to be a better person each and everyday. As a child we receive a lot of support and constant teachings from Parents, Teachers, Coaches and Seniors. But, what about when we grow up and become an ADULT ?? From where are we going to receive all the motivation from??
There may be multiple options of getting the required motivation we require constantly, throughout life. Be it through BOOKS, PODCASTS, MENTORS, MOVIES or GURUS, we constantly, try to learn something that we are not well aware or well versed with. Few smart people even tend to hire life coach or a permanent mentor from whom they constantly gain support and motivation. But, have you ever thought that YOU actually can PARENT yourself regularly throughout YOUR life.
When we were kids, we were parented by our Parents or Grand-parents. Once we grow up, We master the ART of Parenting our kids. As Humans , we are highly INTELLECTUAL and we can easily survive well, but just imagine how SYSTEMATIC and how DISCIPLINED your life was when you were a CHILD. It was because you had the GUIDANCE and support from your PARENTS.
If YOU want a better, a happier, a comfortable and a successful life YOU gotta learn the ART of SELF-PARENTING !! Yes, try to be a PARENT to YOURSELF. No one understands YOU, better than YOU. No one knows YOUR STRUGGLES. No one can help in achieving YOUR AIMS & DESIRES in life. No one really can understand whats happening in YOUR MIND. Thus, start wearing THE cap of a PARENT to YOURSELF.
Console YOURSELF when in pain and AGONY. Pamper yourself when you’re TIRED. Be easy on yourself when something goes CRAZY, just like your Parents would do, when you were a kid. Correct yourself when you are going on the WRONG PATH. Control yourself from ADDICTIONS, just like you would do to YOUR KIDS. Cheer for yourself when you WIN something BIG or SMALL . Reward or Treat yourself with lots of Love and Affection, just the way your parents and grandparents would do for YOU.
Believe in YOURSELF and Love YOURSELF like your PARENTS did. Keep boasting about YOURSELF, just like your parents always did and are still doing, Keep saying to yourself , that YOU are the BEST and the cutest BEING in the WORLD, just the way your MOM FEELS.
Hope you all will start SELF-PARENTING yourself from today onwards. It's just the lack of EMPATHY and KINDNESS and GUIDANCE and a SECURE feeling that we all are missing when we become ADULTS, and start playing in the real WORLD land create a MESS out of it. By the time, we start realising, how could we have done better, most of our lifetime is gone. So, be GENEROUS and SUPPORTIVE to YOURSELF, even after you become a PARENT or even a GRANDPARENT.
Tuesday, 29 March 2022
You Deserve to have FUN !!
Did you know that we all are eligible to have some FUN..As being the highest intellectual beings on this UNIVERSE, we gotta keep experimenting in ways that make us HAPPY. Doing simple tasks , pursuing tiny things which makes NO sense yet gives abundance of JOY, are important to be done day in and day out.When was the last time you had super fun ??
We often feel, we should keep working hard constantly to achieve our goals. But surprisingly, it has been proven in many researches that doing things that keep us happy , atleast once a while (if possible daily , for few minutes) actually helps in becoming more successful, than those who don't have fun at all. We need not spend Billions nor look for TIME, to do those things. It can be started small, for few minutes daily , tasks that doesn’t involve any investment just like 'watching SUNRISE or SUNSET", hearing the BIRDS NOISES, smelling a FLOWER and rejoicing its FRAGRANCE, hugging your loved one and feeling GRATEFUL that you have a LOVED ONE.
Find out that THING OR TASK that helps you to RE-INVENT YOURSELF . Don't get lost in the COMPLEXITY of the WORLD, if you want to WIN YOURSELF :-)
Saturday, 15 February 2020
I happened to visit MGR memorial during my Chennai , solo trip . Was not really a big fan of MGR , as i was not from Tamil Nadu , but as a protocol of the listed places in Google went to see the MGR memorial which is located in Marina Beach Road, NAVALA NAGAR. Outside weather was a bit hot as i stepped into the entrance the security greeted me with a smile and I enquired about the entrance ticket , and came to know it is absolutely free to have a look around the memorial house of MGR , which was filled with numerous awards , medal, gifts, his consumables , his car , his pen , , watch etc..
Slowly started walking around the rooms in which there were a lot of his accomplishments and multiple temple, cities, and governments have awarded him. Slowly I started observing each and every award and who have given him in detail , slowly stepping and staring at those awards . Most of them where in the architectural designs of temples and cities .
Then suddenly my mind started realising and getting surprised with the fact that , how could one person achieve soon many appreciations in one life time . Was totally blown away with endless pics of his contacts and meetings ranging from chief ministers, prime ministers , presidents, athletes , co-artists and orphans and underprivileged children .
I started looking at them with more admiration , a fan kind of feeling and still in a thought of unbelievable feeling , HOW , HOW !! How can someone work so hard for his work , for his family , for his people, for his state , for his party , for his Country and for the world . Then understood why he had such a huge fan following and such great legacy .