We all are worried of our NET-WORTH, and spend a lifetime on building that. But how many of you are worried of your SELF-WORTH !!
Is it measured by the amount of degrees you carry? OR the amount of respect you receive? OR the amount of MONEY you earn ? OR the amount of FRIENDS you have ?
Suprisingly, every time I sit down to write about something words just flow like that.. But this time, I was stuck with this topic, SELF-WORTH ? Did'nt want to go with dictionary meaning or refer other articles available on GOOGLE about self-worth. Then, how do I write about it, if I myself am not aware exactly what is it ??
That is it what I wanted to convey. Being alive and living a prestigious life, I'm confused about what exactly is our self-worth. Have anyone of you thought about it ?? If so, please share your thoughts on this..
Is our self-worth so unseen and unheard in the hustle and bustle of the SOCIETAL rules and regulations. Is our self-worth masked in running race of the CORPORATE LADDER? Is our self-worth parked aside in the busyness of building a NET-WORTH? Is our self-worth burried in the process of impressing our LOVED ONES or living according to their terms?
Have you ever appreciated yourself for all the good TASKS & DEEDS you've done till now? Have you ever patted yourself on your back for not GIVING UP even during the toughest of toughest times in your life? Have you ever shown sympathy when you were cheated and beated by the HARSHNESS around you ? Have you ever did things solely for yourself? Have ever pursued your dream career without giving a second thought of what your family or society thinks ? Have you ever thanked GOD for giving you this life and all that you have now ? Have you ever thanked PEOPLE AROUND you, for supporting you and guiding you till date ?
Is your self-worth so weak that you feel shattered that someone BROKE UP with you years ago? Is your self-worth so brittle that you wont be HAPPY, unless that ONE person messages you one text or two? Is your self-worth so loose that you lose HOPE , if you don't get into your dream project or JOB? Is your self-worth so handicapped that you are sad all the time for reasons caused by others in your LIFE ? Is your self-worth scummed to the DISEASES you carry ?
Let's continue more on SELF-WORTH in my next blog, TILL THEN, keep thinking and analyzing on what's your self-worth..
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